Maximizing Energy Efficiency with Our Commercial Glass Solutions

Maximizing Energy Efficiency with Our Commercial Glass Solutions

Maximizing Energy Efficiency With Our Commercial Glass Solutions

Glass can add aesthetic value and also offer numerous other advantages for buildings and their inhabitants, including increased energy efficiency and security. If you are located in Berrien County and searching for custom windows or storefronts there are various options that may save your company money on energy costs while simultaneously improving aesthetics of your building.

One of the primary factors driving commercial buildings towards energy efficiency is heat loss through their windows. This can be especially problematic in areas that experience extreme weather such as hurricanes or tornadoes, making energy efficiency even more of an issue than before. New window technology helps mitigate this loss and increase efficiency by absorbing and reflecting solar rays to maintain an even interior temperature more reliably.

Glass can also be filled with argon gas to act as an insulator and keep cool air inside during hotter days, and warm air in during cooler ones – saving energy costs in commercial buildings over time and saving significant money on energy costs. This saves on heating and cooling systems costs.

Switchable smart glass can help your building to become more energy efficient by enabling you to adjust its tint accordingly, controlling how much sunlight enters and heat is absorbed by a room. This technology enables modern architectural trends while cutting energy use and costs.

Switchable smart glass not only increases energy efficiency but can also add aesthetic value to any building. Offering various colors and styles, you are sure to find the ideal product to add natural lighting while increasing property values.

Commercial glass offers multiple security benefits to your business both during construction and once your building has been completed. It can help deter break-ins and vandalism, protect against extreme weather events and provide enhanced privacy for employees and customers. Murrieta Glass has also been designed with increased resistance to impact to prevent dangerous shards from spreading during an accident or natural disaster.

Installing energy efficient glass in a commercial building can be costly, especially if it requires replacing existing windows. But you can make existing ones more energy efficient with low-emissivity window film. This product consists of a thin pliable layer applied directly onto windows that blocks most UV, visible, and infrared rays while allowing natural light to pass through. Applying this product can save up to 30% in energy costs with a return on investment in four years or less!

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